Irrigation management
Our comprehensive irrigation management platform and customer service helps plan weekly irrigations. The service includes:
Soil sensor calibration
- • Water height
- • Plant available water deficit
Weekly irrigation report
Irrigation detection and record per management zone
Irrigation efficiency indicators
During the frost season, Agranimo is providing the following services for each Frost Event:
- 10-hour forecast (Agranimo FrostRisk machine-learning model trained on millions of data points from various locations where we operate),
- Alert during the event (automated phone call, SMS and Whatsapp)
- Frost report after each event
The service requires only a simple weather station, and has been very popular with many growers worldwide.

Phenology is an important part of monitoring the development of pests and fungi. By monitoring temperature, humidity and leaf wetness, we can help monitor pest cycles and determine the best time for protective applications to prevent damages.
Currently implemented models include Apple Scab and Strawberry Mildew.
We have pioneered a novel way of estimating orchard yield based on leaf samples. The service is currently in the commercial trial phase.
Contact us to participate at no cost and receive service discounts in the future.